Tuesday, December 12, 2017

History of Gurkha Kukri

Kukri is the National weapon of Nepal, Kukei is analogous Gurkha which is analogous to Nepali or Nepal therefore making Khukuri the symbol of Nepal. The history of Khukuri dates back some 2500 years ago, thought reliable facts are missing it is believed that it may have been originated from a similar knife carried by soldiers of Alexander called the Kopis knife from Greece. When he invaded India, it is believed that the style was passed down from Koips. The Kopis was one handed blade similar to Khukuri but extended up to 65 cm. The Kopis also had single edge blade with a concave shape similar to Khukuri.

The literature suggests that, Khukuri had been handed down by the Saint Guru Gorakh Nath to Bappa Rawal. From there onwards, it made it to the kingdom of Gorkha, which was named in remembrance of Guru Gorakhnath by his disciple when he conquered the land. After the Gurkha war, the Khukuri came into the lime light! Regarded as one of the fiercest weapon in battle field.
Some theory suggests that Khukuri came from series of Knives used by the Mallas who ruled Nepal during the 13th century. There’s also a theory that suggests the Khukuri had been in use since the Kirat dynasty
Khukuri has been in use in Nepal for a very long time. One of the museums in Kathmandu has a Khukuri some 500 years old used by Drabya Saha, the founder of Shah dynasty! Not only during war, but Khukuri has been in use for common utilities in the household for a very long time in fire wood and sacrificing animals, it’s also believed that keeping a Khukuri below the pillow fends off the bad spirits. Not only socially and culturally but Khukuri has is importance in a religious way as well. The shape and form of Khukuri is supposed to represent the holy Trinity of Bramha, Bishnu, Maheshor! In most part of the country the Khukuri’s are worshipped as well.
“The Kukri is the national as well as the religious weapon of the Gurkhas. It is incumbent on a Gurkha to carry it while awake and to place it under pillow when retiring.”
– Maharaja Padma Shamser Jangbahadur Rana
(Prime Minister and Supreme Commander)
Buy Gurkha Kukri In Nepal

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